Over the last few months, I know that I have sounded like a broken record, continuously complaining about the nasty weather. The rain in…
Do you want to travel the world and ride horses? I can’t think of anything better!
I’m excited to introduce Jennifer Sims, the Styled Equestrian,…
As the big day approaches, it’s understandable that you’re feeling a little on edge. A newborn foal is nothing short of a miracle, but…
Some riders can spend their whole life searching for their heart horse. This horse is like no other one you’ve ever owned. They may…
After the holidays are over, I’m ready to dive right in to the New Year, but there are usually still months of cold weather…
The cold, wind, sleet and snow may win us a snow day from school or work, but it does not stop us from seeing…
and for good reason—it has benefits for both your horse and your pocketbook! But if you’re planning to make this transition, it’s important to…
When people tell me they are having troubles with their horse, it’s almost always followed by an excuse. “My horse won’t go out on…
A new wave of natural horse care has taken our world by storm. Horse owners are looking for healthy alternatives to cure mental and…
Even my granddaughter Gretchen read more books than I ever did. As time went on my husband and I were able to take…