No owner wants their horse to go through this painful and debilitating condition. The laminae, which is the tissue that connects the hoof wall and coffin bone, becomes inflamed. When left untreated, it can progress to founder where the bone detaches from the hoof capsule. In extreme cases, it penetrates through the sole! There will…
Understanding why forage is so critical can help horse owners ensure their equine companions maintain optimal health and well-being.
Essential Nutrients in Forage
Forage, which includes… -
Yes, bagged feeds can provide energy and calories, as well as vitamins and minerals for horses, but forage is what best supports their gut…
Some like flowers or jewelry, while other indulge in chocolate and various sweets.
If you’re a horse, you might prefer a molasses cookie and good… -
Record-Holding Horses
The record for the highest jump ever made is held by a horse named Huaso, ridden by Captain Alberto Larraguibel. On February…
If your clothes are too bulky, you’ll struggle in the saddle. On the other hand, if you don’t have enough layers you’ll be freezing…
If so, it was likely a Bashkir Curly horse. This breed was once suspected to have originated in Russia, but now researchers aren’t…
You may be pulling out your horse’s blankets and adjusting their grain ration, but don’t forget about their hooves. In the winter, your horse’s…
Among the most crucial aspects of equine care is maintaining a regular schedule of veterinary check-ups. These visits are vital not only for addressing…