Most horses thrive in a herd environment; they band with others in small groups for companionship and protection. While some horses prefer to stick…
These days, many people are interested in feeding a more natural diet to their horses. A forage-based diet is always best, but when supplementing…
After months of worrying about it, and even visualizing it, I fell off Hamster. Looking back, it is easy to see where the jump…
In hindsight, I made so many mistakes with him. I wanted that amazing relationship I’d read about in books, something like Alex and the…
I don’t know about you but when those cooler temperatures and shorter days set in I covet cozy moments in our farmhouse. I’ve put…
There are many different opinions when it comes to horse keeping and making sense of it boils down to your own trial and error…
As a rider, your goal should be to maintain an effective seat that follows your horse’s movement. A quiet seat stays out of the…
Even buying the boring school supplies, like basic pencils and notebooks, would make me so excited! Does anyone remember Lisa Frank binders? Those were…
If you’ve had horses for any length of time, it’s probably safe to assume you’ve spent many an hour shoveling poo. Since the average…
On a recent Monday evening, my husband and I were talking with another couple over dinner about planning an upcoming camping trip. I am…