In time, some of these animals escaped or were to turned loose, forming herds of what we now know as the American mustang. In…
In time, some of these animals escaped or were to turned loose, forming herds of what we now know as the American mustang. In…
There are many reasons why such as low breeding populations and the societal shift away from horses for transportation and work uses. The Livestock…
Most horses thrive in a herd environment; they band with others in small groups for companionship and protection. While some horses prefer to stick…
From miniature to mammoth, the donkey is a versatile companion that easily earns its place on farms. They have big ears, make funny sounds,…
Chances are you’ve come across a miniature horse or two. This popular breed of horse has been around for quite a long time. They…
Remember your grade school art class? You learned that the primary colors; red, yellow, and blue were the source of all other colors. Secondary…