The greatest part of life is having family, friends and horses. I am utterly involved with my family and love them beyond measure. I have been blessed to be quite close with some of my horse friends. And have had relationships with many horses. This gift of family, friends and horses in life brings us ultimate joy as well as heartbreaking moments. All of which offer us life lessons to either grow us or leave us empty and sad, depending on what choices we choose to make.
My adult children have stepped up within our family owned business and have had to take on more than in the past. Working together as a family has many rewards and hard days too. We see each other nearly every work day. Being together allows us to work together than gab a little about family, church and anything else needed. They have grown up with business and horses from the time they were little. They attended many meetings, business dinners, farm building projects and will be the successors of our company. Long days at the office with long hours are part of the sacrifice they have made to a part of something that will be long lived, (I hope for our grands and great, great grands too).
Mikey, our son, works in our fabricating (stall) department. He oversees all incoming steel and outgoing stalls for horse owners. He has put excessive time into processes and quality control for our stalls. Additionally, he has built fencing and worked with customer sales. His office is something like a combination of Eddie Bauer and all versions of rock in the stall plant. He loves fishing, the outdoors and good music. His crew does too and they are some of the best workers I have seen.
Paul, our son in law is like a son to us. Paul works day in and out in our sales but also knows many of the inner workings of technical functions within our office. But be sure to know that at 11:30, just like clock work, it is time for lunch. Our daughter, Kristen, most often leaves with Paul at that time. Kristen works with our sales team and within the accounting side of business. Paul and Kristen are highly involved with their church and donate much time and towards it. Their two daughters are in college and even though they are not empty nesters, they are still so busy with life. Kristen gets an occasional ride in now and is an accomplished rider.
Mindy is our middle daughter, busy with her three littles, Charlie seven, Naomi six and Anna three. She too is an accomplished rider a teacher of art, pottery and painting.
Mikie, Paul and Kristen wear many hats in the office. I know, some days they would much rather be doing other things or not have to put so much into their days. However, they have made a choice to take the high path and see the opportunities even when things get tough. I am thankful for them in my life and at our office. (It is not always easy).
When we moved to the Oak Openings region, I did not know many riders from this area. We had made a move to Bryan, OH for nine years where I was no longer in touch with my Hunt group and riding friends. Moving back was good for my soul. We came back home and were across the street from miles of horse riding trails. My closest horse riding friends are there through thick and thin. I know that if we needed anything, they would be there for us. It is wonderful to be around people like this. I have been around the others too, that are not so gracious.
We have a choice to surround ourselves with good caring people. Choosing the right friends that are kind and understanding can make life easy and simple rather than discouraging.
Our riding group is one that will come by, pick you up with the horse trailer and take you to the Bluffs with them. Or they are ready to offer you any piece of equipment that they have if you need it. They will pull a picnic together for the ride and help you when you need a friend or a leg up. They excuse any imperfections and emphasize the good ones. And they hold your horse for you without you ever needing to ask. I am grateful for the horse friends I have.
I have been fortunate to have owned many horses over my lifetime. This last year we were blessed to lease a sweet nanny horse, Satin, for our little ones. Satin belonged to our friend Keith and his daughter Lessa. Satin was the matriarch of the barn from the time she moved in. Greyson our walker, fell in love with her as she too, was a walker. All black and only one very cute-bad habit which was not bad at all, was to stretch her front leg out when she was tied. Like a big puppy dog, she would put her let out but as soon as we were ready to do a trail, she was all business. All walk when needed and all other gears when asked, she was such a nanny horse. Satin graced us by allowing the inner city children from church to hop on her back and give them the best ride of their lives. Satin was able to make an eighty-0ne year old woman’s dream come true for her birthday. Miss Mert only wanted one last trail ride in Oak Openings. And last July, that is just what she did. Satin carried Miss Mert through the park and back home. Miss Mert put some leg on and Satin carried here across the front pasture at a steady canter. We were all amazed!
Owning horses is wonderful, but there are choices we all need to make when old age, pain or illness sets in and there is no option left but to show our love for them and find it in our hearts to let them go to rest. Our dear Satin lived her final days this week and Keith had to make the choice to love her enough to let her go. Even though Satin belonged to Keith and Lessa, she brought joy to everyone that met her. As we were blessed to have her for about a year. We could choose to be unhappy today because we will miss Satin dearly. But instead, we have chosen to celebrate the joy she gave to everyone that met her.
Horses are a joy and some of our moments with them can be heartbreaking, but today we will celebrate the good choices that thread through our lives even during hard times.
I am thankful for the good we can find in all that we do. Look for the best that life has to offer and joy will shine through.