You know, that someone who seems to understand how you feel~that after you have been with them for a while, you know you feel so much better by the time you have to leave them. (Until the next time you see them 🙂 ….
As horse people, we are fortunate if we have ‘one’ horse in our lifetime that we unequivocally connect with at an extremely deep level. If you have ever experienced this, it’s as if your horse knows you’re exact thoughts, feelings and next move. You can walk in your barn and begin to feel the connection before you walk down the aisle and see your horse who greets you in his/her usual way. There is a trust, that cannot be explained – you can work with your horse and others could not remotely have the same connection or ride that you get. Maybe you have a horse with a ‘quirk’ that simply could not be tolerated by someone else. But none of that matters when trust is established. It’s like a friendship where both parties excuse the other for any ‘mistakes’ without any judgement. And as time goes on…
both horse and rider cover for each other when you have a special bond with your horse. Your horse knows every move that you will make and you know every ‘shake of the head playful ‘hop’, before it happens! It is as if you synchronized and within minutes of leading them out of their stall or pasture, they are ready, willing and able to accommodate your needs.
We are so fortunate to have that bond as many people never have that opportunity to experience it. And if you are fortunate enough to have even one horse that you share that true and strong bond with, you know it is something that you may only experience once in your lifetime.
I’m hoping that you can spend more time with your horse, if you have not been able to lately. I’m also hoping that by spending more time with him/her, you will be able to grow in a closer way than before. I believe we are accountable, in a bigger way, for the animals that are in our care. Take time to truly enjoy them and you may find that you have a deeper connection with your horse than you realized!
Have you ever had a friend that truly understood?
Someone that believed in you~ more than you did?
And helped you reach new levels that you did not believe
you could attain? This post is for those that wear an ‘unseen’ crown
and deny taking any credit for their acts of kindness and selfless giving.
I hope someday, that I can give back even a pittance of your unselfish giving.