One of the best technological advances that has come with the internet is the ability to livestream events that we can watch from the comfort of our own home or on the go with the help of a smart phone. Equestrian events are no exception, and the great news is that many events are broadcast online for viewers to watch at no cost. 

No matter which discipline you prefer to watch, there’s sure to be something for you! Here are a few upcoming equestrian events that will be live-streamed in fall and winter 2021/2022:

The 2021 Farnam AQHA World and Adequan® Select World Championship Shows 

With events in English, Western, and halter, the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show is the premier event in the equine industry. 

When: October 28 – November 20 

Where: OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, OK

Tryon International Three-Day Event (CCI 4*L, 4*S, 3*L, 2*L, 1*L)

Combining international and national competition, the Tryon International Three-Day Event will feature CCI 4*-L competition after the event debuted at the venue to great success in 2020.

When: November 10-14, 2021

Where: Mill Spring, NC

Winter Equestrian Festival

Not only is the Winter Equestrian Festival one of the largest annual sporting events in The Palm Beaches, but it’s also the longest-running equestrian event in the world. It attracts national and international athletes competing for prizes, readying for the Olympics, or beginning careers in equestrian. There will be live-streamed events in jumping, dressage, and more. 

When: January 5, 2022-April 3, 2022

Where: Palm Beach International Equestrian Center, Wellington, FL

World Equestrian Center Fall Horse Show Series 

Featuring the National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA), this is a sanctioned hunter/jumper competition with competition of all levels. 

Weekly Jumper highlights include:

$75,000 Grand Prix

$15,000 Welcome Prix
$10,000 Futures Prix 1.30m-1.35m
$15,000 1.40m Jumper Classic

Weekly Hunter highlights include:

$12,500 3’6”-3’9” Hunter Derby
$10,000 3’ Hunter Derby
$7,500 Non Pro Derby
$2,500 Pony Hunter Derby

When: WEC Fall Show 3: 12/1-12/5

WEC Fall Show 4: 12/8-12/12

Where: Ocala, FL

If you know of other upcoming equestrian events that will be live-streamed, feel free to share in the comments! 

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