This new year will be your best horse one yet!

Welcome 2022! Our arms are open and we’re ready for a fresh start. It’s nearly impossible to enter the new year without at least some excitement. Everyone is making goals and plans! As horse owners and riders, naturally your resolutions probably center around your barn life. Will you ride more? Try a new discipline? Maybe, buy a second or third horse… The possibilities are endless!

If you want to start the new year off on the right foot, then some planning is in order! Get your notepad ready and jot down some of these thoughts. You won’t want to miss this advice!

Pick a word, instead of a resolution.

Unfortunately, most well-meaning people lose interest in their resolutions shortly after the new year. The spark fades and their former goal becomes a distant memory. A great alternative is to pick a single word of the year. This word will be your focus each and every day. It’s who you want to be and how you want to live. In a way, it becomes your compass and helps to direct your decisions.

Here’s some tips… Think about the person you want to be? What characteristics does this person have? Create a list of words that describe this potential person. Okay, now it’s time to pick one word. For the rest of the year, embrace it! You can jot in down on sticky notes, hang it in the barn, share it on social media, create a mantra around it, etc.

Some potential words include- joy, balance, dream, wonder, learn, laugh, forgive, celebrate, flourish, slow, family, love, discipline, focus, among others…

Keep a 2022 journal.

People have been doing it for centuries- writing in their journal that is. A diary or journal is an excellent way to record experiences, jot down thoughts, and keep track of goals. It can be anything you want it to be! 

For the new year, consider starting a riding or horse journal. What better way to monitor your horse’s progress or even your own than with a daily or weekly journal entry. They can be short and sweet or lengthy and detailed. The most rewarding part is looking back after some weeks have pasted and seeing the progress you have made.

Make more memories.

Let 2022 be the year that you ‘get back on the horse’. COVID has put a damper on many activities and gatherings. Horse shows and barn parties are just now starting to resume, but cautiously. And while it’s important to be safe and stay healthy, don’t let that be your excuse to stop living anymore. There are plenty of things you can do while social distancing or even from the comforts of your home.

Here’s some ideas to get your mind jogging…

  • Take a virtual riding lesson.
  • Plan a weekly trail ride with friends, but follow social distancing recommendations.
  • Read a new book series.
  • Attend a virtual or in-person horse show.
  • Go on an overnight camping trip with your horse.
  • Get fit with an equestrian exercise program.

There are so many fun activities to try! Pull out your bucket list and start checking off items. Don’t forget to snap a few pictures or write down your experiences in your journal. When the year comes to an end, you’ll have plenty to look back and reflect on!

Now who’s ready! Let’s get 2022 started and with energy! It’s not too late to pick your word of the year, so start there.


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Emily Fought

Emily Fought discovered her passion for horses early on in life. When she isn't writing about them, you can find her in the barn riding. Although Emily's background is in dressage, she enjoys cross-training and is an avid trail rider. She resides in Northeastern Ohio with her husband and small dog. Together, they own and operate Humblewood Farm. Emily not only writes for but as well!

January 3, 2022