June hit and here, in the Sonoran Desert the heat is in full swing! The wind from Spring has finally began to die down and now all we’re left with is a raging heat that reaches into the triple digits. This means our days are long, hot, and filled with endless hours of sunshine. It’s a phenomenal time to enjoy early mornings and late evenings with our horses, as in the middle of the day it gets too hot for all of us. 

This makes for the perfect time to check your horse’s water tanks for cleanliness and making sure they have enough for the day. 

Horses drink significant quantities of water. If their water is too dirty, unpalatable, or foul-smelling, horses will not drink it, leading to dehydration and other health problems, including colic. In the summer months this can become deadly so I’m here to drop a helpful tip on an organic method to keeping your horses water tank clean! 

Apple Cider Vinegar. 

Most people commenly use a diluted non-fregrant bleach to clean their horses water tanks and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! I’m just here to let you know of an organic alternative. Apple cider vinegar has well known health benefits for horses and humans alike. 

Apple cider vinegar works to acidify the horse’s stomach for better digestion, cleansing the digestic tract. It can also aid in the absorption of minerals and helps balance the acid/alkaline ratio which is essential for good health. It can also work as a natural anti-biotic, and can discourage parasites and water-borne diseases. Umm HELLO! How cool is that?! 

So how do we clean their water tanks using it?! 

I broke it down into the four simple steps: 

  1. Empty the water tank away from your horses to avoid stagnant water around their hooves. 
  2. Get a stiff brush and begin to scrub all the slime and gunk away! 
  3. Once most of the gunk is gone you can pour some apple cinger vinegar into the trough and scrub some more! This helps to rid the tank of water-borne diseases. 4. Rinse and refill. When you are refilling their tanks you can add another splash or two of apple cider vinegar. This will help to maintain a clean water tank and maybe even slightly improve your horses heath! 

Which method do you prefer for cleaning your horses water tanks? Do you use bleach or apple cider vinegar? I love hearing from you so please feel free to comment below or send me a message on my personal Instagram at @unbridledmama.


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