Many of the things I do everyday are very intentional and meant to slow down my day giving me the opportunity to appreciate all that there is.

When you slow down your daily rush and begin to romanticize your life, you can create the space for meditation that you would otherwise not have. Mediation can be a daily practice you implement into your life to bring you out of your mind and into your saddle. Science has proven that when meditation takes place regularly it can significantly reduce stress levels in the body and improve overall sleep. 

By the time most of us get to the barn it’s after a long day of work, a quick Saturday morning ride we had to plan two weeks in advance, or the husband got home from work and can finally take over with the household chores while we head to the barn hoping our kids aren’t trailing behind us. As much as we love those little babies, some alone time in the barn can refill our cup quickly. If you can relate to any of those scenarios then hear me out. We may not intend to be rushed or even notice that our mind is full of chatter but once you’re able to shut that out, then you can truly put all you have into your body and therefore your horse.

It’s also so important to understand that you don’t have to be riding to meditate with your horse. Mediation before riding can result in a smoother ride and better connection with your horse, but it’s not a requirement. Meditating with your horse and then simply spending time with them is also enough to fill the cup. There’s no wrong way to slow the mind and bond with your animals. Do what feels good for you.

Let’s begin:

  • Designate a spot you can return to daily for this exercise. Preferably outside and in the presence of your horse. Choose a place that you are safe to sit in with your eyes closed and guard down. Your horse doesn’t have to be right there with you but maybe you can sit on the outside of their stall or somewhere nearby. We just want to be able to feel their energetic bodies.
  • Make it comfy. You can use an outdoor patio table if you wish to set your favorite flowers, incense, Bluetooth speaker, or crystals on while you meditate. Or if you prefer a subtle meditation space you can sit down under your favorite tree and just feel the dirt beneath you and listen to the sound of the breeze through the leaves. Again, find a spot that just feels good to you and resonates with your soul.
  • Set the timer for 10 minutes.
  • Body position. Now that you’ve picked out your outdoor space and the timer is set, sit in a traditional yogi position. Shoulders back and dropped, chin up, back straight, legs crossed, and hands palms up resting on either knee. When our palms are up we are indicating to the Universe that we are ready to receive whatever information the Universe wants to give.
  • Breathe. Take a minute or two to get your breath calmed and then begin this visualization. As you are taking deep and conscious breaths begin to visualize you riding your horse into the sunset. No bridle, no saddle, just the two of you bareback. See your hair blowing in the wind. Smell the earth that the hooves are pounding into. Is it dry desert dirt or is the dirt wet enough to not cause a dust trail behind you? As you two edge closer to the sunset you can taste the freedom. What does that taste like to you? Rich dark chocolate, an IPA beer, or salty air that you’d find near the ocean’s edge? Feel the horse breathing beneath you, their heart pounding just as rich as yours, their hair under your legs, your hand in their mane. Breathe into this scene until you two reach the sunset and can no longer be seen.
  • End of timer. After the timer rings begin to move your toes and fingers as you gently flutter your eyes open. Take some breaths and recognize yourself and the place you’re sitting. Sometimes a drink of water can help you ground yourself into the reality you’re in.

As you stand on your feet, thank the Universe for this practice and any of the spirits that may have joined you (including your horse). Be humble and appreciative.

If you enjoyed this mediation then let me know. I love hearing from each and every one of you!